4GROW Mateusz Dąbrowski 4GROW https://4grow.pl mailto:[email protected] 531314431 Mo-Fri 08:00-17:00 4GROW to butikowa, rodzinna firma szkoleniowa oferująca szkolenia najwyższej jakości z obszaru kompetencji miękkich, osobistych i menedżerskich 4grow.pl https://4grow.pl https://www.facebook.com/4GROW/ 4GROW
Panieńska 9 lok. 25 03-704 PL Warszawa
4GROW firma szkoleniowa szkolenia z kompetencji miękkich szkolenia menadżerskie


I recommend the Team management and motivation training because the scope of the topic and its depth fully meet my expectations, even exceeding them in some areas. Apart from that, great atmosphere, lots of materials and real-life examples. I would highly recommend!

During the team management training , I discovered how many opportunities there are to motivate employees. It was a big surprise how important it is to find out the beliefs and values, as well as to examine the needs of employees. As I am at the very beginning of the team management journey, I need and want to think about and implement this content, which will certainly result in a lot of questions and doubts. I am glad that I will be able to get answers to them thanks to the post-training contact included in the package, because I really need a mentor. I can confidently recommend this team management training to people who need to be guided by a mentor, and not just participate in the training.

Thank you for your individual approach and appropriate exploration of team management topics . I am inspired to develop my managerial and leadership skills. Training with just the right amount of fun!

Only three days have passed since the communication training , and I can already see concrete results thanks to the use of the presented techniques and tools. I recommend this training to anyone who wants to improve the quality of communication, both at the family and business level.

A surprising method of conducting communication training , giving it a new dimension and value. Fantastic results! I learned a lot about myself, and what's more, thanks to the techniques I learned, I was able to make changes right away. And these are changes that were positively verified by other training participants. I recommend it to everyone.

Perfectly conducted communication training perfectly tailored to specific needs. An excellent trainer who perfectly establishes contact with participants, leading the group to a specific goal and result. The best training I have ever attended.

Great and accessible communication training that leaves you with the confidence that you can easily overcome communication barriers that seemed insurmountable.

The trainer presented the issues of dealing with stress and emotions in a very interesting and convincing way, both professionally and in the private sphere. Initially, I wasn't too convinced about the whole concept (2 days about emotions? - why and about what), but it turned out that the training: Emotional Intelligence  was an interesting combination of theory and practice. And the second day... exceeded our wildest expectations! This was probably the first time I encountered such an emotional swing... and probably the last... but it was an amazing experience, and with such baggage it will be easier to understand certain reactions of friends, employees and even family. Together, using the acquired knowledge and with the support of the Trainer, we learned in practice how to deal with even the most difficult situations.

After the training, I feel eager to implement the presented methods, which is the best proof that such a difficult topic was taught to me in an understandable and complete way. My questions were quickly answered and after the training I feel that I found the answers myself thanks to the wonderful moderation and atmosphere. I recommend it to everyone, especially those skeptical about soft topics. This really brings positive results.

Very good assertiveness training, which helped me understand my own built-in obstacles that make my work and life difficult. Practical exercises and time to think allowed for self-reflection and drawing conclusions. I would highly recommend.

The assertiveness course at 4GROW thoroughly and comprehensively answers the question "How to take care of your needs and communicate them assertively." I recommend it to people who stand at the end of the queue "for care". 

The assertiveness workshops were prepared very professionally. Once again, full admiration for the 4GROW company. After the training, you will learn simple techniques that are useful in everyday situations.

To szkolenie było mocne. Temat pokrywa bardzo dużo aspektów, które niesamowicie mogą wpłynąć na nasze życie prywatne i zawodowe. Zaskakująca treść i fantastyczny trener - idealne połączenie.

Szkolenie dla każdego, dające uniwersalne rady jak się komunikować i prezentować, nie tylko na zaplanowanych prezentacjach, ale też w codziennym życiu.

Szkolenie jest nietypowe w pozytywnym sensie. Nie skupia uwagi jedynie na kontekście biznesowym. Pokazuje jak zadbać o siebie samego, co pośrednio przekłada się na późniejszą pracę. Porusza wiele przykładów i emocji. Nie jest monotonne.

Bardzo dobre szkolenie pozwalające spojrzeć w głąb siebie i swoich emocji, a później odpowiednie zarządzanie nimi.

Dzięki szkoleniu z autoprezentacji nauczyłam się jak zarządzać stresem na swoją korzyść. Odkryłam jak zaangażować mojego odbiorcę, jak bawić się byciem „na scenie”. Uwierzyłam, że potrafię i mogę to robić na co dzień, a poczucie własnej wartości i to jak wzrosło dzięki szkoleniu to coś za co serdecznie dziękuję.

"Polecam szkolenie, ze względu na sposób pracy. Wszystkie zagadnienia, problemy, narzędzia są przepracowywane na doświadczeniach uczestników, bądź też Case Study, co pozwala na bardzo dobre zrozumienie przyszłych problemów i dopasowania rozwiązań lub nakierowanie na kolejne kroki" 

"Otwarty warsztat bez nacisku i stresu, że "musisz" się wypowiedzieć na omawiany temat. Nie masz nic do powiedzenia to OK! Przyzwolenie na swobodę w grupie - każdy dobrze się czuł, bez obawy o ocenę innych"

"Dobra atmosfera, ciekawe ćwiczenia i trener bardzo dobrze przygotowany. Jestem osobą uczącą się przez praktykę, więc duża liczba technik i narzędzi, jak najbardziej na plus, zwłaszcza dlatego, że był czas na ich wykonanie."